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Keynotes Speaker

Pluralizing Global Mental Health: Care, crisis, and Critique. 2022 EdCMA Conference. June 9-10, 2022  

Trauma in the Context of Global Migration. GeorgAugust-Universität Göttingen. March 4-5, 2021


International Events Organiser and Chair


The War We Lived: Remembering The Iran-Iraq War After 40 Years. Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University. December 14, 2020:  [Watch Video]


Beyond ‘Trauma’: An International Workshop on New Agendas in Understanding Mental Health in the Middle East. London.September 27, 2014  (Wellcome Trust Supported Workshop)


Pedagogical Encounters: Integrating Social Sciences in Medical Pedagogies. Joint with University of North Carolina, ChapelHill.April9-10, 2015


Long Table Speaker. JUNCTURES: Exchange, Innovation & Collaboration in the Arts & Sciences. Cambridge UK. March 25, 2015


Organiser & Lead. Workshop for Therapists Working with Refugees. Woodfield Trauma Service (WTS), NHS, London May 3, 2022



Invited Panels and Roundtables


Panelist. Reflections on Mental Health. Astellas Pharma Annual Summit. May 10, 2022


Panelist. “Decoding the mysteries of diseases with AI”. Women in Technology in MENA (WoMENAIT) February 2022


Panelist. Trauma and Resilience: Mental Health and the Middle East, Center for Middle East Studies, University of Pennsylvania, May 4, 2022


Fellow Participant. American Psychoanalytic Association’s 111th  Annual Meeting. June 1-5 2022, Boston, MA


Panelist and speaker. Violence, State Formation And Memory Politics: An Off-Site Ethnography of Post-Revolution Iran, March 23-25 2022, Paris


Poetry and Ethnography. Workshop on Ethnographic Storytelling. Otherwise Magazine, May 26, 2022


Doha Forum. Doha, Qatar. December 14-16, 2019


Long Table Speaker. JUNCTURES: Exchange, Innovation & Collaboration across the Arts and Sciences. Cambridge, UK. March 25, 2015


Integrative Models in Global Health Diplomacy. Global Health Policy Center at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Washington DC, October 6, 2010.



Invited Lectures


Social Immunity in the Aftermath of COVID19. Cambridge University. May 13, 2022


Moral Immunodeficiency: COVID-19 In Iran. Harvard University. Dec 4, 2020


A Sensory Reading of Generational Memory in Iran. Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Iran and Persian Gulf Studies. Princeton University. NJ. April 23, 2019


Rethinking Pathology and Illness in Iran. University of Toronto. Toronto. April 12, 2019


Rethinking Mental Health and the Afterlife of War. TEDx UCLWomen. London. December 1, 2018


Objects and the Materiality of Memory. Art, Materiality, And Representation. Royal Anthropological Institute. June 1- 3, 2018


Formulating Ruptures: The Children of the 1980s Remember. Trauma Studies in the Medical Humanities: New Directions for Research. Durham University. April 12-14, 2018


Evocative Objects: A Sensory Reading of Material Memory. JUNCTURES: An Interdisciplinary Platform. Cambridge, UK. March 24, 2018


Generational Forms and Technologies of Kinship. Book Talk. The London Middle East Institute. March 7, 2017 Book talk, Launch Event. King’s College London. December 5, 2016


Book talk, CIS at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). November 21 2016


 Book talk, Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University. November 16 2016


Book talk, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University. November 15 2016


Book Talk and Launch Event. Human Rights Watch (HRW), Middle East Section. New York. November 12 2016


Booktalk and launch, The Hagop Kevorkian Centrefor Near Eastern Studies, New York University. November 10 2016


Book Talk, Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California Berkeley. November 3 2016


Invisible Wounds. The Human Cost of War: Symposium for Crisis of Internationalhumanitarian Law. Washington DC. June



Emerging Debates on War, Displacement, and Wellbeing in the Middle East. Lecture Series of Institute for Middle Eastern Studies (IMES). George Washington University. April 2, 2015


Ruptured Youth: Politics of Generational Memory in the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq War. The School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies (SIAS) and St Anthony’s College. Oxford University. March 2, 2015


Narrative and Medical Pedagogy. Journée Internationale : Formerles Professionnels de Santé à la Responsabilité et à la Décision. Apports des Humanités Médicales. Parid Diderot Univerity. Paris, May 15, 2014.


Higher Education and Maximizing the Potential. Focus Panel on Higher and UK-Iran Exchange and Cultural Relations.

British Council, London, May 21, 2014.


Possibilities for Theory and Policy in the Global South. Beyond Biosocieties. Amsterdam University. Jan 2013.


Therapeutic Sensibilities: Belated Reconstruction of Traumatic Memory in Blogs. Contemporary Persian Verbal Culture. St. John’s College, Oxford University. 14-16 April 2012.


Cross-Cultural Readings of Depression and ADHD . Harvard Medical Anthropology Lectures. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. October 14, 2011


Oral History and the Iranian World of Sciences: Oral History of Knowledge Production in Iran and its Diaspora. UCLA, Los Angeles, California, April 7-8, 2011


Health Policy Contextualized: An Epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Iran. Expert Meeting Group. UNESCO, Paris, France, October 5-7, 2008


Psychoanalysis, Memory, and Bilingual Journeys of Diasporas. Mehrgan Foundation. San Diego, CA, USA, September 1-4, 2006


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